Sun and Spring in January – Next Generation in Norwegian Contemporary Art
25. Jan. 2019 – 05. May. 2019
With this exhibition, Astrup Fearnley Museet will focus on a new generation of Norwegian contemporary artists who represents a great diversity of conceptual premises and visual expressions.
The exhibition project has also formed an interesting dialogue between artists, writers and collectors. The project will present a new generation of Norwegian artists and writers, and for the first time also direct the attention to the art collector as a constructive part of the Norwegian contemporary art world.
Artists: Miriam Hansen, Johanne Hestvold, Anders Holen, Henrik Olai Kaarstein, Mercedes Mühleisen, Constance Tenvik
Writers: Ina Hagen, Ingrid Halland, Simen Joachim Helsvig, Maria Horvei, Nora Joung, Nicholas Norton
Collectors: Clakson Platou by Peter M. Anker, Knut and Cecile Brundtland, Bettina Ford Jebsen, C. Ludens Ringnes Stiftelse by Christian Ringnes, AKO kunststiftelse by Nicolai Tangen, Talent Norge
Curators: Gunnar B. Kvaran and Therese Möllenhoff
The exhibition is produced in collaboration with Talent Norg