Video art as a genre was established in the 1960s and 70s when the earliest portable video cameras were introduced and the technology was made available to the general public. With moving images as a starting point, video art has gone through a rapid development. In particular, the digital revolution of the 1990s provided artists with sophisticated technical solutions – from the first simple, single-channel views to today’s large video installations. The range of possibilities is enormous and contemporary young artists express themselves through countless varities of the medium.
In this exhibition, prominent artists from Asia, Europe and the United States, who in various ways express themselves through the video medium, will be represented with their key works. Their artistic intentions are diverse and deal with personal, social, scientific, political and psychological as well as historical subjects that are conveyed with humour and wit but also with utmost seriousness. They show a substantial corpus of powerful images, stories and events that in time and space represent a number of important aspects of contemporary culture.
Participating artists: Cao Fei, Paul Chan, Nikhil Chopra, Trisha Donnelly, Douglas Gordon, Hu Xiangqian, Fabrice Hybert, Can Xuan, Peter Land, Liang Yue, Klara Liden, Ann Lislegaard, Lu Chunsheng, Paul McCarthy, Bruce Nauman, Adam Putnam, Qui Anxiong , Song Tao, Sam Taylor-Wood, Yang Fudong, Zhou Tao
Curators: Gunnar B. Kvaran and Grete Årbu Astrup Fearnley