Nate Lowman – Works from the Astrup Fearnley Collection
Nate Lowman (b. 1979) moves within the American art world, and consumer and media society more generally, continually rearranging the visual signifiers he encounters. He gathers the raw materials for his art from news, popular media and art history and digests them through his own reading, thoughts and feelings. Mixing images of famous and ordinary people, including his own relatives, he creates narratives by means of vast collages made on the wall and single paintings. Allowing one signifier to slip into another, he conjures a multiplicity of possibilities and a rich, open-ended story. This art of selecting, curating, orchestrating and manipulating mirrors contemporary American society.
The exhibition includes many of Lowman’s important works from the past 14 years, ranging from silk prints and sculptures to his distinctive alkyd paintings and large wall collages, combining material appropriated from popular culture with his own paintings and sculptures.