Touring Exhibition: Murakami by Murakami – Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo
Instituto Tomie Ohtake is bringing to Brazil, for the first time, a solo show by the mythical Japanese artist Takashi Murakami (1962, Tokyo, Japan). Curated by Gunnar B. Kvaran – who also curated the show by Yoko Ono held at the Instituto in 2017 – Murakami by Murakami is based on the show by the same name originally held at Astrup Fearnley Museet, in Oslo. The exhibition features 35 works including paintings as large as 3 x 10 meters. The set of artworks, presented as a constellation of fragments of Murakami’s universe, evidences a production recognized for a number of qualities which include pictorial excellence. Read more about the exhibition at Instituto Tomie Ohtake.