Protection of privacy conditions and requirements

Protection of privacy, conditions and requirements
Astrup Fearnley Museet wishes to assure you that we can be trusted to respect your privacy and process all your personal data in compliance with the protection of privacy legislation.
Members of the Astrup Fearnley Art Club
We register members’ names and email addresses in order to be able to invite them to exhibition openings and courses, and to circulate details of museum activities through our online newsletter. Personal data are stored safely and treated confidentially, and are not used for any purposes other than those you consented to when you joined the art club.
If you no longer wish to be a member of the art club, you can unsubscribe by contacting the museum at the following email address:
If you no longer wish to be on the mailing list for the museum’s online newsletter, you can unsubscribe by clicking on the link in the right-hand corner of the newsletter or by contacting the museum at the following address:
When you unsubscribe, we will delete all your personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
Astrup Fearnley Museet respects your privacy, and very much appreciates your visits to our website at It is safe to visit us, since we can assure you that we comply with all the regulations on protection of consumer data. Your personal data are protected under the Norwegian Personal Data Act, which obliges Astrup Fearnley Museet to use this information in a safe and secure way. It is also possible to visit our website without having to provide any information about yourself.
What does ‘protection of privacy’ mean?
Protection of privacy means protection from the misuse of your personal data. The Personal Data Act is intended to protect privacy and the inviolability of private life, and ensure the quality of the data. You can learn more about protection of privacy at
What information do we record when you visit our website?
Your IP address and cookies are automatically registered when you visit our website. Cookies are files that are stored on your hard disc and record your browsing activity when you last visited Our website uses cookies to find out which pages are visited most often, and in this way you are helping us to continually improve our service. This information is not about you as a person, and has nothing to do with your personal details.
For how long do we store your personal data?
Your personal data are stored as long as you have a customer relationship with us. If you wish to terminate the relationship, your personal data will be deleted at your request. Cookies stored on your web browser are updated every time you visit, but you can delete cookies on your web browser without affecting your customer relationship with Astrup Fearnley Museet. You should be aware that the next time you visit, new cookies will be stored as described above.
Thank you for subscribing.
Astrup Fearnley Museet
Last altered: 01.12.2020