Private Tour
Private Tour
Learn more about Astrup Fearnley Museet and our exhibitions through guided tours led by our highly knowledgeable and passionate museum educators.
Private Tours
Astrup Fearnley Museet offers the lovely experience of visiting the permanent collection and temporary exhibitions with a private one-hour tour. Private tours are available for groups up to 30 visitors, and can be booked during opening hours or private hours (rates vary accordingly).
After hours, we offer the exclusive opportunity to visit our permanent collection and temporary exhibitions without other visitors. Guests may also enjoy refreshments in the museum before the guided tour begins.
Choose between the following presentations
Permanent exhibition: Visit our permanent collection and explore works by world famous international artists.
Temporary exhibition: Learn more about our current temporary exhibition.
Sculpture park: Visit the Sculpture park and beach with sculptures by international artist. Please note that the tour will be outside, available from March – October.
The museum building: Welcome to the wonderful world of architecture! Learn more about the architecture by the world renowned Italian architect Renzo Piano. Please note that parts of the tour will be outside.
Best of Astrup Fearnley Museet: Learn a little bit about everything! Enjoy highlights from the Astrup Fearnley collection, the temporary exhibition and the architecture by Renzo Piano.
Private tour within opening hours: NOK 2100,- + admission pr. person, NOK 130
Community colleges, universities: NOK 1050,- + admission pr. student, NOK 90
For further information and booking
Tel. +47 22936060
Please note that it is not permitted for other than museum staff to give tours in the museum. All tours are conducted by museum professionals.