Welcome to Plot/Oslo – a platform for all teens, ages 15 to 25 who are interested in art!
Plot/ Oslo is a collaboration between Astrup Fearnley Museet, The National Museum and Kunstnernes Hus. These three institutions represent the diverse range of the modern art world in Oslo, and we invite you to get to know this field.
Plot/Oslo arranges activities such as tours in unique and original exhibitions, workshops, excursions, film showings and opportunities to meet artists and curators. The Plot/ Oslo website allows you to share your own artwork with others, make photo blogs and write texts on art.
Plot/ Oslo also consists of a council of young people between 18 and 25 years old who have a big say in defining and selecting Plot/ Oslo’s programme and activities.
Please follow us on facebook or visit our website for more information about upcoming events. All the activities are free!